Sign Language Interpretation Faculty

Barb Mykle – Hotzon  

Program Coordinator & Instructor  


Education: MEd (University of Alberta), BA Adult Education (Fraser Valley), PID (Vancouver Community College), Sign language Interpreting Diploma (Ïã¸ÛÁùºÐ±¦µä¿ª½±½á¹û), Certificate of Interpretation and Certificate of Transliteration (RID), MIS and PSIR (British Columbia).  


"It is exciting to be able to support students on their journey to becoming qualified practitioners. The Program of Sign Language Interpretation is challenging but worthwhile and being a witness to the journey is an honour."  

INTR - Faculty Picture - Barb

Sara MacFayden  



Education: RSLI (Registered Sign Language Interpreter), COI (CASLI Certificate of Interpretation), MEd in Curriculum & Instruction (Simon Fraser), PID (Provincial Instructor’s Diploma, Vancouver Community College). 


"I have balanced dual careers as an interpreter and a college instructor since 1986. I am fascinated by teaching and learning as transactional social processes with the potential to be powerfully transformative. It is exciting to share in each student's journey into the interpreting community of practice." 

INTR - Faculty Picture - Sara

Lisa Anderson   

Lab Facilitator / Tutor  


Lisa has a Bachelor of Arts [University of Victoria] with 20 years of work experience in other roles involving the direct utilization of American Sign Language (ASL)-English interpreters, video relay services, scheduling, booking, confirming interpreters, and the direct supervision of interpreters. 

With her love of languages, and the advocacy work she has done to get sign languages recognized at both the federal and provincial levels, she is honoured to apply her cumulative background to support and round out the educational experience for the interpreting students.  

​Lisa says: Supporting the students with remedial learning of their ASL skills, I truly believe that I am planting the seeds for these students to go out in the world and provide accessibility as sign language interpreters for Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and hard of hearing clients.